ACO The ACO Seminar (2023–2024)

March 28, 3:00pm, Wean 8220
Lutz Warnke, University of California San Diego
Isomorphisms between dense random graphs


Applied benchmark tests for the famous `subgraph isomorphism problem' empirically discovered interesting phase transitions in random graphs. This motivates our rigorous study of two variants of the induced subgraph isomorphism problem for two independent binomial random graphs with constant edge-probabilities $p_1$, $p_2$. In particular, (i) we prove a sharp threshold result for the appearance of $G_{n,p_1}$ as an induced subgraph of $G_{N,p_2}$, (ii) we show two-point concentration of the size of the maximum common induced subgraph of $G_{N,p_1}$ and $G_{N,p_2}$, and (iii) we show that the number of induced copies of $G_{n,p_1}$ in $G_{N,p_2}$ has an unusual `squashed lognormal' limiting distribution.
These results confirm simulation-based predictions of McCreesh, Prosser, Solnon and Trimble, and resolve several open problems of Chatterjee and Diaconis. The proofs are based on careful refinements of the first and second moment method, using extra twists to (a) take some non-standard behaviors into account, and (b) work around the large variance issues that prevent standard applications of the second moment method, using in particular pseudorandom properties and multi-round exposure arguments to tame the variance.
Based on joint work with Erlang Surya and Emily Zhu; see arXiv:2305.04850

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