Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization Program
Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University has taken the initiative of offering an interdisciplinary Ph.D program in Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization. It is administered jointly by the Tepper School of Business (Operations Research group), the Computer Science Department (Algorithms and Complexity group), and the Department of Mathematical Sciences (Discrete Mathematics group).

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Ph.D. Program Requirements ACO Seminar


Nina Balcan machine learning, computational aspects in economics and game theory, algorithms
Guy Blelloch Parallel algorithms and languages.
Manuel Blum (Emeritus) Complexity Theory, cryptography, program checking.
Thomas A. Bohman Extremal Combinatorics.
Boris Bukh Combinatorial geometry, combinatorial number theory.
Gérard Cornuéjols (Emeritus) Combinatorial optimization, graph theory, integer programming.
Florian Frick Geometric and topological methods.
Alan Frieze Average case analysis of algorithms, combinatorics.
Mor Harchol-Balter Queueing theory, stochastic modeling, probability theory, heavy-tailed workloads, Web servers, networking.
John Hooker (Emeritus) Operations research techniques in logic, artificial intelligence.
Fatma Kılınç-Karzan Convex optimization, large-scale algorithms, decision making under uncertainty.
Po-Shen Loh Probabilistic and Extremal Combinatorics, and applications to Theoretical Computer Science.
Gary Miller (Emeritus) Algorithm design, parallel algorithms, scientific computing.
Benjamin Moseley Design, analysis and evaluation of algorithms.
Ryan O'Donnell Complexity theory, analysis of boolean functions, approximation hardness.
Javier Peña Theory and algorithms for convex optimization, numerical analysis.
Wesley Pegden Combinatorics, Abelian Sandpile problem
R. Ravi Approximation algorithms, combinatorial optimization, computational biology.
Steven Rudich Complexity theory, cryptography, combinatorics.
Tuomas Sandholm Market design, game theory, optimization (integer programming, search, stochastic optimization
Daniel Sleator Data structures, algorithms, parsing.
Prasad Tetali Markov chains, Isoperimetry and Functional Analysis, Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory, and Algorithms.
Konstantin Tikhomirov Discrete Probability, Combinatorics, Convex Geometry, and Applications to Data Analysis.
Michael Trick Computational integer and combinatorial optimization, applications in sports and the social sciences.
Willem-Jan Van Hoeve Combinatorial optimization; constraint programming; mathematical programming; integration of constraint programming and mathematical programming.
Michael Young Discrete Mathematics, primarily Graph Theory and Combinatorics.
Computer Science
  Blue Ball Mathematical Sciences
  Green Ball Operations Research


Tolson Hallauer Bell
Daniel De Roux
Daniel Hathcock
Jakob Hofstad
Su Jia
Anthony Karahalios
Thomas Lavastida
Heather Newman
Rine Pan
Aditya Raut
Andrii Riazanov
Sherry Sarkar
Lingqing Shen
Olha Silina
Ziye Tang
Alexey Vasilevskii
Weizhong Zhang
Rudy Zhou
Mik Zlatin

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General questions or suggestions, please contact: Alan Frieze