Nina Balcan |
machine learning, computational aspects in economics and
game theory, algorithms
Guy Blelloch |
Parallel algorithms and languages.
Manuel Blum (Emeritus) |
Complexity Theory, cryptography, program checking. |
Thomas A. Bohman |
Extremal Combinatorics.
Boris Bukh |
Combinatorial geometry, combinatorial number theory.
Cornuéjols (Emeritus) |
Combinatorial optimization, graph theory, integer
Florian Frick |
Geometric and topological methods.
Alan Frieze |
Average case analysis of algorithms, combinatorics.
Mor Harchol-Balter |
Queueing theory, stochastic modeling, probability
theory, heavy-tailed workloads, Web servers, networking.
Hooker (Emeritus) |
Operations research techniques in logic, artificial
Fatma Kılınç-Karzan |
Convex optimization, large-scale
algorithms, decision making under uncertainty.
Po-Shen Loh |
Probabilistic and Extremal Combinatorics, and
applications to Theoretical Computer Science.
Gary Miller (Emeritus) |
Algorithm design, parallel algorithms, scientific
Benjamin Moseley |
Design, analysis and evaluation of algorithms.
Ryan O'Donnell |
Complexity theory, analysis of boolean functions,
approximation hardness.
Javier Peña |
Theory and algorithms for convex optimization, numerical
Wesley Pegden |
Combinatorics, Abelian Sandpile problem
R. Ravi |
Approximation algorithms, combinatorial optimization,
computational biology.
Steven Rudich |
Complexity theory, cryptography, combinatorics.
Tuomas Sandholm |
Market design, game theory, optimization (integer
programming, search, stochastic optimization
Daniel Sleator |
Data structures, algorithms, parsing.
Prasad Tetali |
Markov chains, Isoperimetry and Functional Analysis, Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory, and Algorithms.
Konstantin Tikhomirov |
Discrete Probability, Combinatorics, Convex Geometry, and Applications to Data Analysis.
Michael Trick |
Computational integer and combinatorial optimization,
applications in sports and the social sciences.
Willem-Jan Van Hoeve |
Combinatorial optimization; constraint programming;
mathematical programming; integration of constraint
programming and mathematical programming.
Michael Young |
Discrete Mathematics, primarily Graph Theory and Combinatorics.