In particular, we show that every nearly cn-regular oriented graph on n vertices with c > 3/8 contains (cn/e)^n * (1+o(1))^n directed Hamilton cycles. This is an extension of a result of Cuckler, who settled an old conjecture of Thomassen about the number of Hamilton cycles in regular tournaments.
We also prove that every graph G on n vertices of minimum degree at least (1/2+\epsilon)n contains at least (1-\epsilon)reg_{even}(G)/2 edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles, where reg_{even}(G) is the maximum even degree of a spanning regular subgraph of G. This establishes an approximate version of a conjecture of Kuhn, Lapinskas and Osthus.
A joint work with Asaf Ferber (Tel Aviv U.) and Benny Sudakov (UCLA).